Patrick Dodson

Pat Dodson


Patrick Dodson is a Yawuru man from Broome, Western Australia. He was a co-chair of the Expert Panel, and attended the summit meeting on 6 July 2015 in Kirribilli. He is Chair of the Yawuru Native Title Company “Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd”, and a director on the Yawuru PBC. Mr Dodson was the founding chairman of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation, a Royal Commissioner into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, and is a former Director of the Central and Kimberley Land Councils. In 1975, he became Australia’s first ordained Aboriginal Catholic priest (although he has since left the priesthood). Patrick has devoted his life to building bridges between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

As Co-Chair of the Referendum Council, Professor Patrick Dodson resigned as a Member of the Council on 2 March 2016.